Chris Erwin
As we embark on this new journey where we hope to be a source for both beginning and advanced beekeepers. We will be accepting stories, articles, and videos from people that want to contribute to this effort. While we do not have the site open to register new members, therefore you need to send submissions to our managing editors. Please follow these guidelines to be considered for publication.
1. Articles must be composed in a word format. Any editor compatible with MS-word is excellent. (all work must be your own) no cut and paste from the web all submission will be run through our software to check for infractions.
2. Pictures must be your own, no exceptions, and that goes for illustration, drawing, etc. You can not use anything you grab from the web. (you are responsible for any submissions as far as copyright laws)
3. Cutlines, ( your captions) your pictures should be listed under your article, and your photographs named, so they are linked to the story. ( example- the story name for instance- Bee Majic- the photographs would be named bee_majic_1.jpg Bee_magic_2.jpg, and so on. Below your article in your word document, it would be done like this. Cutline: bee_magic_1.jpg – your caption would go here at the end of your caption you would list the photo credits (example) (photo by your name) this should then be sent email to the address below. Do not add your photos into the document, just the cutlines. Send the article as a document and photos as attachments.
4. Articles should be sent to Chris Erwin e-mail In the subject line; it should say “Submission-Beekeeper Magazine.”
5. Your submissions will be examined by an editor for mistakes and grammar and edited accordingly.
6. You will be given full rights and credit for your work; you can also add a picture of yourself and a short paragraph as a bio tag-line. It will be posted with your article.
7. If you have any questions, you can send them to the above email we will try to get back with you ASAP.